NC Hillel condemns vandalism at UNC Chapel Hill

North Carolina Hillel joins UNC Chapel Hill and campus groups in condemning the racist, anti-Semitic language and imagery drawn onto the UNC Campus Y building this weekend. Hate against any group is unacceptable, and we stand in solidarity with students involved with the Campus Y, UNC's hub for social justice and innovation.

We thank university officials for their swift and thoughtful response against this hateful act of vandalism and are grateful to law enforcement for their responsiveness.

Law enforcement has assured us that there is no specific threat against UNC's Jewish students or Jewish campus organizations at this time. We are grateful for the strong support system on campus that alerted us and engaged us to help ensure that all Carolina students feel safe and supported.

We will remain vigilant in the face of hate at all UNC System campuses. We will continue to work closely with university officials, local Jewish organizations, and other student groups to protect the safety of our students across the state. Our NC Hillel facilities are still closed to the public due to COVID-19, but our staff is available to support any student or community member who has concerns or would like to discuss this issue.


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