Discover Israel with NC Hillel
Make life-long friends, explore your identity, & grow professionally
Birthright with NC Hillel
This free, life-changing, 10-day trip is led by our own experienced professional staff for NC Hillel students and their friends during winter and summer breaks. Since 2010, nearly a thousand students from 23 campuses have travelled to Israel on NC Hillel Birthright trips.
Onward Israel
Since 2018, numerous NC Hillel students have participated in Onward Israel, an 8-week summer internship program, where students get to enjoy living together in Tel Aviv while gaining professional experience in diverse fields from medicine to robotics to education.
“On Onward Israel, I grew so much as a person. Onward forced me out of my comfort zone and for that I am grateful. Whether bonding with my bosses over malawach (a Yemeni flatbread) or sharing a Shabbat with our madrich’s (counselor’s) family, my experience was enriched by the wonderful Israelis who let us into their lives… This summer is one I will never forget.”
—Olivia Cohen, UNC Chapel Hill ‘22
2019 Onward Israel Participant
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