NC Hillel welcomes Hannah Gutterman Spinrad, new Campus Director of UNC Chapel Hill

Hannah Spinrad Headshot

North Carolina Hillel is thrilled to announce that we have hired Hannah Gutterman Spinrad as the new Campus Director for UNC Chapel Hill, beginning this summer. We thank Michelle Brownstein Horowitz, who held the role previously and helped grow the organization immensely over nine years, and wish her and her family the very best as they move to Toronto.

As Campus Director, Hannah will head our team at UNC Chapel Hill, helping to craft and implement Hillel’s vision and strategy, engaging Carolina’s Jewish students, and building a vibrant, pluralistic Jewish community. 

“I've always felt passionate about how special the North Carolina Jewish community is and the Carolina community, in particular,” said Hannah. “UNC Hillel is where I became inspired to become a Jewish professional. The leadership opportunities I had here and the travel experiences like Alternative Spring Break and going to Israel, as well as the staff, all inspired me to work in the Jewish community. It's a dream come true to be able to come back and contribute to sustaining and innovating Jewish life at NC Hillel.”

Prior to joining the NC Hillel team, Hannah was the first Atlanta Director of Community Engagement for Honeymoon Israel, a national start-up providing immersive Israel experiences and locally-based community for young couples. Hannah has also worked in the development departments for the Jewish Federations of Boston, Miami, and Atlanta. 

Hannah is a proud Tar Heel alumna, graduating from UNC Chapel Hill with a BA in International Studies and minors in Spanish and Jewish Studies. Hannah earned her MBA in Nonprofit Management and MA in Jewish Professional Leadership from the Hornstein-Heller Program at Brandeis University. She is also an alumna of the Jewish Federations of North America FEREP Program. 

“During every step of the interview process - speaking with board members, alumni, students, and staff - Hannah impressed everyone with her genuine passion for NC Hillel, many relevant skills and experiences, and commitment to our mission,” said Executive Director Ari Gauss. “We’re very excited to welcome her back home.”

A fifth generation North Carolinian, Hannah can't wait to introduce her husband and daughter to life in the "Southern Part of Heaven." 

“I’m really looking forward to meeting with students,” said Hannah. “I can’t wait to hear what they're looking for in their Hillel community and to learn their Carolina stories.


Shavuot message from Rabbi Melissa B. Simon


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